Dynamic Demographic Data Analyst | D3 Analyst D3 Analyst

Politics is getting more and more data driven day by day and it will continue to see this trend. We, Janta Ka Mood Political Research and Consultancy, offer this Dynamic Demographic Data Analyst (D3 Analyst) service to our clients so that they remain ahead of their competitors.


The vision is to transform the politician’s office into a high-tech data driven office, all data managed. Every visit of the citizens, party workers, beneficiaries, visitors, etc are recorded, politician’s visit information is disseminated, every visitor is mapped on voter list, their requirements are addressed at the same them, voters are reached out during election time for re-electing our candidate for continued dissemination of service as a parliamentarian.

Different Data Points in the Constituency

  • An MLA, MP or a Politician’s office is a center with high footfall of the public from the constituency for different purposes.
  • The MLA, MP or Politician carrying out different outreach activities for their constituency for helping their citizens in different ways
  • Need assessment survey in the constituency for some upcoming project, or some project’s evaluation, popularity survey etc
  • Greeting our people, citizens, colleagues on their birthdays, anniversaries
  • Many more

Benefits of D3 Analyst. Dynamic Demographic Data Analyst

  •  The goal of D3 Analyst is to transform an ordinary office of a parliamentarian into a data-driven office
  • The Benefit of a data-driven office is that our parliamentarian’s decision making is stats, facts and figures based instead of emotion based
  • Better managed office will mean more free time to our parliamentarian
    More satisfaction to the citizens
    More connected feeling to the party workers and volunteers
  • Tasks given to party workers and volunteers are more defined and output oriented

The Goal and Role of D3 Analyst

  • The ideal timeline of a D3 Analyst is 1 year into a constituency. In 1 year, the D3 Analyst will change the overall approach of the politicians’ office from a normal managed office to a data-driven office.
  • The D3 Analyst will train the local team of the politician to adopt the new approach and systems and get accustomed to using it.
  • Constant training of the local office staff for capacity building and capacity enhancement is a core component of the D3 service.

Types of D3 Analyst

  • There are 3 types of D3 Analyst:
  • Dedicated Resource Off Site (Online available)- One resource person is dedicated to the client’s office. The resource is stationed at our office and available for on call, to support the client secretariat, election war room, rafale war room, office
  • Shared Resource Off Site (Online available) – One resource is shared between 4 clients to reduce the overall share of one client. At the same time, even a shared resource takes care of the client and his office requirement very well
  • Dedicated Resource On Site (At client site) – The resource is deployed at the client site